Essential Tips to Survive Lockdown!

Today, we’re going to be sharing with you 5 Essential Tips to Survive Lockdown!
Lockdown’s back, and we all know that it puts a damper on whatever plans we had and it affects our usual routine as well! If your last lockdown didn’t go so great, we’ve got some pointers for you to survive this next one! Without further ado, here are our tips!
- Stay Active!
Our 'Lift Your Spirits' Cookie Pack is perfect for gym days!
One of the most important things in life is good health, so it’s important to keep active, even though we’re housebound for a long stretch of time! Not only is it a great way to keep fit, but it helps us de-stress and it does wonders for your mental wellbeing. Look up some indoor exercise routines that don’t require the use of gym equipment, and get to it. If you’re lucky enough to have a garden or a balcony, don’t forget to soak up some Vitamin D while you’re at it!
- Routine, routine, routine!
Time to plan your week right!
Our usual routine in life is disrupted as soon as news of lockdown hits. In times like these, some routine is definitely a stabilizing factor in our lives. Establishing a routine early on during lockdown can help make things feel a little less chaotic and a little more normal! Get up on time, eat right, stick to your schedule and have enough sleep! Structure your day with an outline and balance work and life, then stick to it!
- Stay in touch!
We’re forced apart during times where we have to social distance - grim as it is, we don’t know when’s the next time we’ll see our loved ones. With our phones and our computers, and the internet at our fingertips - there’s no excuse not to stay in touch with our family and friends! Check in with them and see how they’re doing. Want to take it a step further? Sending them some of our lovingly decorated cookies might do the trick!
- Relax!
For many, this is the first pandemic they’ve ever experienced. It’s completely stressful, and getting caught up in it as well as balancing work can be hectic! Sometimes, you need to just remember to relax. Give yourself a break, you’re doing great! Read a book, watch a film, play a video game. We all need some downtime once in a while, and there’s no better time than during this lockdown.
- Learn a new skill!
Baking can be fun!
We’ve got a little spare time now that the commute is cut out of our daily routine, so why not use this extra time to pick up learning something new? If there’s always something you’ve been interested in - sewing, dancing, the arts - maybe even baking, perhaps - then now’s a good time to take up an online class, or do it yourself via video tutorials! Learning something new can be absolutely fulfilling, and who knows? A passion for a new hobby can turn into something more in the future!
That's all from us for our 5 Essential Tips to Survive Lockdown! Just remember that you’re not alone - having to stay in lockdown can be fun for some, but stressful for others, but no matter what, we’re all in this together! Let’s try to curb the spread of COVID-19! With our tips, we hope you’ll be able to manage yourself well at home!
Until next time!